Pauza Magazine Fall 2009 | Page 3

life and times in peace corps macedonia pauza staff Evan Brengle, managing editor Jaime King, editor David Koch, editor Sarah Fazekas, layout and design editorial committee Goce Spasov, PC Safety & Security Coordinator Stephen Kutzy, PC Country Director Michael Radmann, Program & Training Officer editorial policy. This publication, which bears the name of Peace Corps Macedonia and the Peace Corps logo, must adhere to certain editorial guidelines. These guidelines require that all content in this magazine be in good taste, politically neutral and culturally sensitive. Content should not include profanity, advocate a specific religious belief, be insulting or slanderous, comprise the safety and security of any Peace Corps Volunteer (PCV), nor give the impression that the author is writing on behalf of Peace Corps or the United States government. To ensure that these guidelines are met, a committee made up of PCVs, Peace Corps Staff and Host Country Nationals (HCNs) will review articles for content. submissions. All PCVs and Peace Corps staff are welcome to submit articles to be published in Pauza. If you are interested in writing an article, please contact a member of the Editorial Staff. Submission deadlines will be announced. All submissions can be sent to [email protected]. Articles may be edited for length and content. Pauza always Pauza features fall 2009 Happenings Transitions All Around Reflections of Macedonia and PST after Six Weeks in Country by Jim Carlin page 2 Reflections on COS Conference by Frank Hennick The Roma Youth Leadership Program by Brittany Gardner Ne Znam by Matt Tschabold Language Mishaps Topics Best Left for Another Day page 4 Madedonish by Brittany Gardner Did You Know? by David Koch On the Trail of Tacos: A Taco Turismo Update page 7 page 4 page 5 page 6 page 7 by Heidi Kleister page 7 page 8 by Sara Ray Recipes page 8 Tabouli from Kay Gibson Mujadarrah: Lentils and Rice with Fried Onions page 9 from Karen Schaan welcomes PCVs who would like to join our editorial staff. If you would like to help with Pauza, please contact a member of the editorial staff or e-mail at pauzamag@ cover photo: Sarah Fazekas photos on back submitted by Jessica Meyer and Erin Esson photos submitted by (in order of apperance) Jerry Wang, Brittany Gardner, Sarah Fazekas, Karen Schaan, Jaime King, David Koch, Jerry Wang, Kay Gibson, and Jaime King Quick Baked Eggplant from Kari Lowe Time Capsule by Sarah Fazekas Ne Znam Answers You’re Under Arrest! by Mike Erhartic A Pilgrimage to the Holy Mountain: Mount Athos, Greece by David Koch page 9 Lives of Other PCVs: Morocco by Jonathan L. Williams Did You Know? by David Koch Friends and Neighbors page 14 page 10 page 10 page 11 page 12 page 14 page 15 fall 2009 - 3