Pauza Magazine Fall 2007 | Page 3

life and times in peace corps macedonia pauza staff Aryn Bloodworth, managing editor David Whitford, editor Anne Schiling, editor Ben Long, layout and design editorial committee Aryn Bloodworth, PCV Lucianne Phillips, PC Country Director editorial policy. This publication, which bears the name of Peace Corps Macedonia and the Peace Corps logo, must adhere to certain editorial guidelines. These guidelines require that all content in this magazine be in good taste, politically neutral and culturally sensitive. Content should not include profanity, advocate a specific religious belief, be insulting or slanderous, comprise the safety and security of any Peace Corps Volunteer (PCV), nor give the impression that the author is writing on behalf of Peace Corps or the United States government. To ensure that these guidelines are met, a committee made up of PCVs, Peace Corps Staff and Host Country Nationals (HCNs) will review articles for content. Pauza fall 2007 features Summer Camp Fun highlights of the busy summer camp season Welcome MAK 12s stories about homestay experiences From the Vine Sofia Hartwell takes us on a grape harvest The Ugly Duckling and the Even Uglier American by Ben Long page 5 page 8 page 10 page 13 The Serenity Prayer Applied by Tara Trepanier page 18 submissions. All PCVs and Peace Corps staff are welcome to submit articles to be published in Pauza. If you are interested in writing an article, please contact a member of the Editorial Staff. Submission deadlines will be announced. All submissions can be sent to [email protected]. Articles may be edited for length and content. Pauza always welcomes PCVs who would like to join our editorial staff. If you would like to help with Pauza, please contact a member of the editorial staff or e-mail at [email protected]. departments Happenings photos submitted by Rachel Whitford, David Fox, Al Yates, Albert Tan, Anne Schiling, Tara Trepanier, Todd Shealy, Stephanie Vorman, Cheryl Calhoun, Troy Tillis, Sofia Hartwell, Nancy Wilson, Aryn Bloodworth, Ben Long, and Debbie Knight. page 2 Travelogue summer travel stories from Peace Corps Volunteers: Southern Albania, Romania, Ukraine, and rural tourism in Macedonia page 14 Vo Kujnata homemade soft pretzels cover photo: roasting marshmallows at the Summer English Camp by Rachel Whitford summer festivals, weddings, and more recipes from volunteers: apple ratatouille and page 17 Picture Dictionary learn the names of all those animals they forgot to teach us in training page 19 fall 2007 -