Pauza Magazine Fall 2007 | Page 16

Crossing the Black Sea The train from Sofia to Istanbul leaves every night at 7:30 pm and arrives at Sirkeri station in Istanbul at 8:00 am. A one-way ticket cost $60. There are many inexpensive hostels in Odessa. The Duke is clean, $10 a night, and right smack dab in the middle of the center. The Caledonia ferry from Istanbul to Odessa leaves every Tuesday at 7:00 pm and arrives in Odessa the following Thursday at 12:00 noon. A one-way ticket for a In Odessa, don’t forget to check out the Potemkin four-person bunk without toilet/shower is $130. For more details and booking check steps, the Old Market, the Opera House, and the beach and clubs at Arcadia. out Getting around the city was rather easy with buses and trolleys. Beaches and Vampires in Romania we Aspje toboarded the bus from SkoSofia, we had no idea All in all the time spent in Romania was well what kind of trip we were in for. I worth any obstacles that came into our paths. was unable to sleep during that five There is a lot to see and do...just make sure hours of swerving and weaving you contact your credit card company before through the Macedonian and Bulyou go! garian countryside so I had plenty of time to think and get excited for the Busy old world style streets are one of Romania’s many charms by Laura Masters vacation ahead. We never expected that there would be lost reservations, Visa card blocks that Closer to home - Beautiful Brajcino, Powerful Pelister led to the inability to leave the country or to purchase a phone card to wish my mother a “happy birthday”, lost and/or stolen If you want something a little closer to home, the village of Brajcino, on lake Prespa and swimsuits, and a castle so commercial it made McDonalds close to Resen, is one of the gems in Macedonia’s quickly growing rural tourism sector. look like a neighborhood restaurant. Getting to Bucharest was the easy part. We took a bus to Sofia and a train from there to our final destination, Brasov. Also, travel within Romania was rather easy. Trains ran regularly and were clearly marked and usually on time. The cities to visit are Brasov and Constantia. If you’re looking for a large party and beach town then Constantia is wonderful. The beaches are great and though the food can be on the expensive side, it is usually worth it. There are people standing at the train station trying to rent out empty rooms in their apartments and you can do this for a week or just a weekend for a really good price. Brasov is more of a quiet m ?[?Z[????\?H\?H?????\?\??\?[?\?\?XH?Y? ???]?\?K???[??[?B?[??][?H??Y?\??H?\??8?'?X?[x?&\??\?x?'H B??Z?H?JH[??\?YK[?x?&Y?H?]\????[?[??H^?B??]?H?\???[??\???Y??????Y[??]?YK??]Y?\??H\??][?H?]?KH8?'?X[8?'H?X?[x?&\??\?H\????H?\ ????H??\??]?[?HH^x?&\??\?H?Z[???H?\?H\?\?H??H[?[?Z[?[?[?H]\??[X????Y?H K ?H?Z\????]?H?X\?\?H\ZXY ?H?Y]?\???X]Z?[??[?[?H?[???[K??[X??^H??Y[H\??[??H[?[?Z[??[??Z[????X?\?\? [?^H?[?[??\???]X???YK?]?\?B??\??X??\][?]H?]??[??^?K\?X?X[???\??B?[?]?\??]H\?XH\?H??\H??X]??[?[?X?\?HZ?[????[?]Y\??]??[??]??[XZ?HYH?]\?????M? H]^?B????Z??[??\??\?Y[?H\?\??H?X?H[?[?Z[?????H?Z?H?\?K?H?[Y?H\? L ????\?Y[???YH??Y??X?H?Y[???XZ?\??Y\?H??\??[??\?]\?[? [?[?[??YX?H[?\?\?H?] N?Y?H?]?[?[?????\??B??Y][?[[??\?[?H?YH?[??B?\??[??Y ?Z?[???Z[?X??[?[?\?\?XH\??[\?HX\??Y?Z[[B??^H?[\?\??][?[\??[?B?[?[?Z[??\?H]?]?[?\?B??[[Z] ??^?\??\?\?H\?H?] ?Y[?Y\[?H[?[?Z[????Z??[?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