our team’s attention. l Mr. Vitale’s presentation had a
phenomenal impact.
It’s Your Business, It’s Your Name – Everyone talks
about providing quality customer care, but Paul shows you
and your team how to make this precept the beating heart
of your daily customer interaction. Each team member on
the frontline of your business will learn the necessary skills
and attitudes that make providing quality customer service
more than a slogan. Participants will be encouraged to
focus on key aspects of quality customer service that
help ensure strong business relationships as well as the
longevity of financial success.
Art & Business of Entrepreneurship – Entrepreneurship
is, and should be, an exciting and rewarding endeavor for
anyone who chooses to pursue it. However, regardless
of the type of entrepreneur you are, there are pitfalls to
maneuver. Based on his own experience as a successful
small-business founder, Paul consults with individuals
launching new endeavors as well as those who have been
at the helm for years.
Sell With Confidence—Unlock Your Potential – If you
knock once and there is no answer, then knock again.
Very few ideas define the spirit of salesmanship better than
this one simple concept. In Sell With Confidence—Unlock
Your Potential, Paul will empower your field reps by
providing strong fundamentals that refine proven methods
and increase productivity. The essentials of salesmanship
offered during this spirited presentation will help your team
build quality business relationships while learning
strategies and techniques to increase the bottom line.
Sell With Confidence—Unlock Your Potential
Management Solutions – To insure your sales force
maintains peak performance, Paul has developed a
specialized program for sales managers. Utilizing the
companion instructor’s guide for his book, Sell With
Confidence, this intense workshop encourages managers
to maximize their teams’ potential no matter the product,
service, cause, or idea being promoted. Attendees will be
coached on how to lead others to take hold of practical
ideas, polishing sales methods and increasing productivity.
Thought-provoking lesson objectives, discussion points,
interactive activities, self-directed learning challenges,
scripting, and role-play scenarios make this training an
effective tool for those determined to sharpen their sales
teams’ skills, helping your organization prosper well into
the future.
Paul’s initial focus during this strategic advisement is
creating and/or redefining a logical approach based on
the results of an in-depth SWOT analysis conducted in
order to achieve maximum results. Through an extensive
evaluation period, Paul will offer structured support and
guidance as all strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and
threats are defined and discussed.
As an adviser to you and your entrepreneurial campaign,
Paul will work diligently to provide clarity, help you establish
an attainable goal-set, outline the most effective business
plan, inaugurate an appropriate call-to-action/accountability
strategy, and help identify any impediments that may hold
you back.
Self-Discovery & Career Coaching – Whether you are
planning to graduate from a secondary or post-secondary
institution, are a seasoned professional, or fall somewhere
in-between, Paul will assist you in identifying a rewarding
career path, help maneuver your transition, & offer continued
support and guidance throughout your progression.
By drawing on his experience and that of the many others
he has advised, you will be encouraged to embark on a
mission of self-discovery that will help you pinpoint your
interests, preferences, and passions toward a career.
Through a detailed career assessment you will learn more
about who you are, the abilities and talents you possess,
what your vision of success is, and the most effective path to
achieving it. This process produces enormous results when
wanting to close the gap between your present situation and
future ambitions. Regardless of your current circumstances,
the instruction received will not only challenge you to take
control of your future career path, but assist you in creating
a plan that will help in the attainment of your objectives.