Patriot Prose JFK Patriot Prose | Page 41

“Light Switch” By: Kayla Surprenant, Grade 8 According to Webster’s Dictionary, Quarantine is known as a state, period, or place of isolation. I feel that the word isolation, is a word that puts it too lightly. From my eyes, jail... prison... place of confinement... these are better words to describe life right now. All across the United States people are trapped in their houses, left wondering if the world will ever be the same again. It seems like a distant memory, our old lives: waking up at 6am to get ready for school, seeing my friends at lunch, dealing with drama that involved people who I now realize are not as important as others in my life, walking to Dunkin’ after a long day of work, seeing all my friends at Track and Field practice afterschool. Within all those moments that stand out from the past, there are also the little things that will come back to you at times you least expect them. For me it’s things like looking out the window of my second floor French classroom on a rainy day, listening to my friends talk about stupid and random things that make me laugh so much my stomach hurts, walking through the halls feeling a sense of accomplishment, going to my locker during passing time and gathering the materials I will need for my next class. I feel that the situation that all of America is dealing with can be described in two simple words: Light Switch. I know that may sound weird and like it shouldn’t be used to describe a pandemic, but let me tell you how this relates. One day we woke up, went off to school or work or the store, we returned home, and then suddenly with a click of a T.V. remote or the click of the answer button on a phone, our daily routines and lives were switched off. Schools, businesses, restaurants, you name it... were all closed… just like a light switch. One day we were living our normal lives and then, not even within a 24 hour period of hearing about the possibility of closings, our normal lives were switched off. Throughout my life I have had to find a new normal a lot... and I mean a lot. My dad has been deployed more than 5 times throughout my life... my Grandpa was diagnosed with Brain Cancer and sadly passed away... just when I thought life was good and I had a great group of friends, even that changed. This situation has brought us to find that new normal of our everyday lives. Our parents became our teachers, our rooms became classrooms, our only way to contact others was with our cell phones. Everything that happens in my life I know happens for a reason, and even if I will never know what some of those reasons are, I know that one of the main ones is that they will make me a stronger person. I believe that after all of this, when we get to go back to school and reunite with our friends, we will have a new found understanding for the things we have. I know that I miss my best friend a lot and it’s killing me that the Ice Cream Crew can’t hang out together. I’m finally getting the view I needed to truly appreciate what I have when I have it. I for a fact will not complain about running, or getting up to go to school, or going to dance class anymore. I miss all of these things and I am hoping that I will get them back soon. The world might never go back to normal, it’s a very real possibility. Even after COVID-19 is gone, I can guarantee that people will still be waiting for the alarm to go off at 8 o’clock at night telling us to be inside our houses, people will still be wearing masks and staying 6 feet apart from each other. The people are right about one thing though, the Coronavirus will be a topic in an eighth grade history class way in the future, much like mine learning about Yellow Fever in the 1700s. I am just hoping that this will make us stronger as a Nation and will bring more people together, making us stronger for the future. P.S. Somebody please turn the Light Switch back on. Sincerely, Kayla