Patriot Prose JFK Patriot Prose | Page 40

Teacher Feature! “Face to Face” by Ms. Chadbourne, 8 th Grade English Language Arts Teacher Draped by clouds, You slumber. From miles away I ventured, To stand before you. But, You hide. I travel the winding trail, Glancing eagerly around each corner, Hoping you’ll show your face. But, You hide. Why are you so shy? You boast your vast meadows, Bursting with wildflowers. Your waterfalls cascade freely, Their icy waters sparkling in the sun. Hikers gaze upon your lakes, Teeming with wildlife. But, You hide. I round the next bend, the wind shifts. Like a curtain pulling across a stage, A break in the clouds moves you into view. We are face to face. Now, I see you. I stare in awe of your might. The great, rounded peak wrapped in A crown of glacial ice. The life force that feeds the meadows, That nourishes And breathes life into those who visit. Now, I see you. A whisper of steam escapes your mouth, A soft reminder of the power within. The volcanic force that may one day Erupt again, but for now lays dormant. Deep rumblings shake the Earth, A warning to those who underestimate you. This Eden you have created, is yours And yours only. All who dwell within are merely visitors. Now, I see you. I feel my breath catch in my throat. My boots rooted in the dirt trail, That runs like a vein through the landscape. I’m frozen by your presence, Enraptured by your menacing beauty. Now, I see you. Then, just as quietly as you arrived, You cover yourself in a shroud Once more. Hiding yourself away, Until you allow the next lucky traveler To look upon your face. And I stand, Infinitesimal, yet equal. I recognize your power, because it is my own. Now, I see you. Mt. Rainier