Patriot Prose JFK Patriot Prose | Page 15

Wings of Fire: The New Eclipse (written by the JFK Wings of Fire Fanclub) PROLOGUE A clap of thunder crashes against Jade Mountain. Rain beat against the narrow cave walls relentlessly. Sunny sighed. We can’t even do any field trips now because of this darn thunder. CRASH! KABAM! The noises seemed to be getting louder. Thoughts swirled around Sunny’s head. What was that? Am I going to be okay? Is everybody in Academy okay? Her heart rate increased, and panic grabbed ahold of her body. All of the sudden she heard a scratching noise. Just a branch scraping against the window, she thought. She quickly turned around towards the door. I must find Clay or Starflight or – well - anyone. She stopped suddenly, frightened by a shadow in the hallway. Something looking suspiciously like blood dripped down the doorway. I have to find somewhere to hide! she thought in a frantic rush. Bed…Curtains… Sunny pondered quickly, looking for a place to hide. Her train of thoughts was stopped by a loud scream in the hallway. “Sunny, where are you?” a voice exclaimed in a singsong manner. Sunny ran into the large wooden closet. It was her only choice. The door creaked open…there was a figure standing in Sunny’s doorway. She couldn’t figure out if it was a boy or girl. All she knew is that the figure had a dangerous aura around it. “Sunny, I know you’re in here,” the figure said eerily. Sunny gulped. Darn, I can’t make it out like this. But I HAVE to. For my friends! She grabbed a piece of paper from the back of her closet and started to write. Footsteps came closer to the closet. Sunny was scribbling furiously. Done! She grabbed a pin and stuck the note inside her closet. THUMP…THUMP…she heard the footsteps come closer to the door. “I found you,” the creature gave a creepy smile. Sunny tried to run, but she was stopped. She looked over. She gasped. “Not so fast, Sandwing,” the figure exclaimed. Sunny had to run. As the figure raised its claw, Sunny tried to dash away despite the claws tearing through her wing.