Patriot Prose JFK Patriot Prose | Page 14

Teacher Feature! “The Dog’s Thoughts on Quarantine” by Ms. Thibadeau, 8 th grade Language Arts teacher Day 5: My human has been home a lot lately. It’s strange, but wonderful. We get to sleep in, and I get all the belly rubs all day. I don’t understand all of the attention but I’m certainly not complaining. I would appreciate more treats, but my human said we need to “watch my figure,” whatever that means. Day 12: The humans have bought a comfy new seat and it is so kind of them to purchase this for me. For some reason they think it’s ok for them to sit on it; I suppose there’s enough room, but don’t they understand that I have claimed it? They are home so much now that I do not have my proper selection of furniture for my beauty rest. Day 15: My human has cleaned the coffee table many times today. Too many times. I think perhaps she should go back to work. Day 21: My human is worried about the other humans; she said my dad has to go to work still and it makes her nervous because many people are sick. She misses her parents (my grandparents) and many others. She was very sad today because they closed the human schools for the year and she said she wants to see her little human students again. The things they are saying on the news are strange and my human has to wear an odd muzzle when she goes to the store for food. Is she afraid she will bite someone? This human race is very puzzling to me. Day 25: My human keeps rearranging the furniture and it is making it very confusing for me. Where am I to go for my “big stretch” attention and optimal belly rubs and perfect photo shoots? Day 32: I miss playing with my friends. My human says I do not have the best social skills, but I do have some friends I like, and it is sad not to sniff each other and assert my dominance over the chew toys. Day 36: My human keeps using a contraption called a “diffuser” and the sound it makes is very concerning to me and the smell is getting stuck in my nose. I would like the work with the small humans to resume now please. Day 40: My human told the other human that she baked banana bread and perhaps this was not a good thing. I do not understand, nor do I care unless there is a piece for me.