Patriot Prose 2022 - Updated | Page 6

“ Y-yes sir ”
I was astonished , the only people who get sent to his office were getting fired or getting a raise , never anything else .
It ’ s been 4 hours since the conference meeting .
“ Shit !” I have to go in 30 minutes .
I get up from my desk and head out for a smoke break .
“ I wouldn ’ t expect you out here smoking ”
I nearly dropped my cigarette from the sound of his voice
“ Oh , its you boss . I didn ’ t see you there , you asked for me to come to your office after work , right ?”
I said it as if id forgotten , he didn ’ t buy it . Shoot , he ’ s gonna kill me
“ Yes , I did ask you to come to my office , and yet you look so nervous . You decided that taking a smoke break would get you out of it , didn ’ t you ?”
He said it so damn calm , I don ’ t know how he does it .
“ Hah , you ’ ve caught me , guilty as charged sir ”
“ Smoking doesn ’ t get you out of shit will ”
“ Yeah I know Sammy . but don ’ t worry I ’ ll quit soon .”
“ You said that last month will . I want you to quit while you can ”