Patriot Prose 2022 - Updated | Page 5

AN EXCERPT FROM “ KILLING WITH PASSION ” Abygayle-Lynn Gilbert — Grade 8 — CWP Silver Award

AN EXCERPT FROM “ KILLING WITH PASSION ” Abygayle-Lynn Gilbert — Grade 8 — CWP Silver Award

My name is William Sunshine and I ’ m the head of the financing department for a large tech corporation called “ Moonset Tech ”. my boss , he ’ s the CEO of the corporation , his name ? Samual Moonstar , hence the name “ Moonset Tech ”, get it ? “ Moonstar ” “ Moonset ” get it , get it ? anyway , I work here as the head of the finance department , this is my Ordinary life .
“ Sir ! We ’ re down 1.2 million in the foreign markets stocks ! if we don ’ t start doing something , were going to lose more and more money , and investors won ’ t want our stock , and our business will plummet !”
I slammed my hands against the table as I stood up
“( Sigh ) what can we do Mr . Sunshine ?”
Mr . Moonstar used his vocals for once in this meeting , I was surprised . His vocals sounded tired and frustrated .
“ We work with the marketing department and the UX teams , sir ”
I said without missing a beat .
“ Good , meeting over .”
Mr , Moonset sat up . He said something to me as he opened the glass doors of the conference room .
“ One thing Mr . Sunshine don ’ t slam your hands down on my conference table . I also want you to come see me after work ”