Patches- Clarence Carter 24 october 2013 | Page 3

In Patches, Clarence Carter chronicles his harrowing family life in Alabama. In this song, he focuses on the story of a young man who lost his father when he was 13 years old. Then, he went to the countryside to work because his father was depending on him to support his family. Clarence Carter is a renowned American blues and soul singer, musician, songwriter and record producer. Born in Montgomery, Alabama, he attended the Alabama School for the Blind in Talladega and Alabama State College in Montgomery, graduating in August 1960 with a Bachelor of Science degree in music. In 1984, a Brazilian rock band called Titãs re-recorded Clarence Carter's song, Patches, but in this version, some characteristics are curious because the rhythm was not the same and they also changed some details of the story such as the name, in the Brazilian version, Marvin is the main character, not Patches. What not everybody knows is that the song, "Patches", was written and originally recorded by the band Chairmen of the Board in 1970. Realizing the potential of the song, the singer Clarence Carter decided to do a remake. Horrifying as the situation was, Carter was capable of perceiving the absurdities of it because he resembled with the main character of the story. The record sold over one million copies and received lots of awards.