Pass It On December 2013, Issue 4 | Page 5

Agree/ Disagree cards

Print and laminate double sided sheets of paper with agree on one side and disagree on the other. At various points in your lesson, ask students to say whether they agree/disagree with a series of questions about their learning.

Would you agree that this chapter is the best one for exploring the theme of relationships?

Would you agree that this tool can be used for working on this part of the car?

Word of warning: Time this activity carefully. Countdown from 3 and don't allow any student to display their card prior to '1'. This way, they can't copy one another. It's also vital that you ask students to justify their response. If you don't probe the decision they've made, you'll never know whether it was a 50/50 choice they made or whether they truly learnt something.


These can be used in a similar way to the agree/ disagree cards except this time, when you ask a question, students can write their specific answer down. If your department can't afford a set of whiteboards, why not try laminating paper/card? Try different coloured paper to cater for students with dyslexia.

Padlet and Today's Meet

These tools can be used easily by students on their phones, tablets or laptops. Students can post what they've learnt at the start of a lesson, the end and during.