Pasco-Hernando State College Volume XL, Issue II - Fall 2017 | Page 25
Rajaa Naseer
American Association of University Women Mary Lou Knight Scholarship
& Charles E. Conger Scholarship
Hometown: Wesley Chapel
What influenced your decision to attend PHSC? through these scholarships has taught me to be grateful for every
When deciding on a college, I noticed PHSC offered many great opportunity and any help that I receive.
campus resources and extracurricular activities. I also received
personalized attention from faculty and staff when going through What does the future hold for you?
the enrollment process. College is one of the few times in life where we can learn from
failure without fear of life altering consequences. By challenging
What are you studying? ourselves to work hard, to overcome bad results, and to achieve
I am working toward an Associate in Science in Dental Hygiene. high scores on assignments, we can prepare ourselves for the
realities of the professional world. I plan to graduate with my
What is your fondest PHSC memory? associate’s degree next year and become a dental hygienist to
Having the opportunity to test the skills I learned and being able support my family.
to clean my son’s teeth at the dental clinic on campus. I was
surprised I had come this far, but with the support of people Why do you think philanthropy matters?
around me; I know I will be able to graduate and have a Philanthropists help those in need to achieve their aspirations and
successful career. goals. Philanthropy is important because there are many people in
need, and without the generosity and support of others, some of
Is there someone at PHSC that you admire and why?
us would never have the opportunity to achieve our dreams.
Donna Low, my favorite professor, is a person I really look up to
and admire. She has inspired me to go far in life and has taught Would you like to say anything to those who make
me that no matter how hard things become, I will be able to make scholarship opportunities happen for the students of
it if I continue to focus on my dream. PHSC?
Your generosity has inspired me to continue to help others and
What did receiving this PHSC Foundation scholarship give back to the community through my work as a dental hygienist.
mean to you? I hope to one day be able to assist students to achieve their goals
I was encouraged to continue working hard and striving to achieve just as you have helped me.
my goal of becoming a dental hygienist. The assistance provided
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FALL 2017