Pasco-Hernando State College Volume XII, Issue II - Fall 2018 | Page 23
KUDOS Marketing and Communications
Ahmy Arca, PHSC East Campus team received a bronze Paragon Award
Coordinator of Student Life and Leadership, from the National Council for Marketing
was named Florida College System & Public Relations (NCMPR) for its 2017
Activities Association (FCSAA) Advisor Spring Open House Campaign in the
of the Year in District 3. Successful Recruitment or Marketing
Program category. The team added digital
Chris Bibbo, Director, Admissions and and geofencing methods to the traditional
Student Records, Brian Horn, Vice open house postcard and poster campaign
President Finance and Auxiliary Services, promotions surpassing its goal to increase
and Steve Winterling, Athletic Director total event attendance with a 212 percent
and Men’s Baseball Head Coach, led their increase over the prior year and 3,147 new
teams/units to achieve a “Perfect” audit of student enrollees.
financial and student records for the period
Ryan Murphy, PHSC tutor, received a
covering July 1 - December 31, 2017.
National Tutoring Association (NTA) Profile
Wojciech Chojna, Professor, recently in Courage Award and a $500 scholarship
published a first book, Roman Ingardeen’s from the organization at the annual NTA
Philosophy of Literature, through Brill 2018 conference held at Innisbrook Resort,
Publishing, Leyden/Boston, in Palm Harbor, Fla.
December 2017.
Chris Bibbo
Brian Horn
Steve Winterling
FALL 2018