Parvati Magazine May 2014 - Feeling Alive | Page 13
the flip-flops went back
on. The second day, we
could take about a dozen steps. By the third day,
we could walk all the way
to the beach (half a kilometer) in bare feet, without pain or complaint.
We felt accomplished,
rebellious, connected to
the environment and yes,
very alive.
In my Greek culture, when
tragedy befalls someone,
we don’t offer the glib “it
was meant to be.” We say
“all of it is ours.” Meaning
that every possibility is offered to us. We are here
to experience everything.
All of it is meant to remind
us that we are on Earth,
There are plenty of joyous
ways to feel alive. They
can be experienced individually or with others.
10 Ways To Feel Alive
• Express your love. Be brave
and generous with it.
• Eat great food. Enjoy it
without guilt.
• Bless your body for letting you feel what it’s
going through. Stay
Sing. Moving air in and out
of you with a melody is cellstimulating, invigorating.
Dance, of course – to
connect with your body,
with music, with another.
Tell a different story. Change
perspective, your point
of view or the ending.
Connect to the Source.
However you understand
that, do it regularly.
Contribute to life. Raise
children, chickens or
Fight. Get behind something important. Fight
injustice, poverty, your
Take care of yourself.
Self-care is life-affirming.
Engage. Be a friend,
coach, mentor or witness. Helping others is
Relate to the planet.
Learn her language.
Go for it. Let your light
shine. Use your talents,
find your path.
they enjoyed previously,
as in the above list. When
someone is blocked or
stuck in memories of painful events, they lose interest in their favourite X