Parsons Brinckerhoff China Region Learning and Development e-Catalogue 2014 | Page 14

Building Engaged Workforce Management PE & above P AGE 14 REGISTER HERE ! for class opening information 4 Hrs Pre-req Managing Across Generations “ You can buy a man’s time, you can buy a men’s physical presence at a given place; you can even buy a measured number of skilled muscular motions per hour or day; but you cannot buy enthusiasm, you cannot buy initiatives; you cannot buy loyalty; you cannot buy devotion of hearts, minds and soul. - Clarence Francis, Chairman of General Foods (1888-1985) I t is a bi-annual exercise that we conduct Employee Engagement Survey, how do you relate the survey results with your team’s performance? How does Engagement matter and what role do you play? How can we build a highly motivated and engaged team to achieve better results, while boosting morale and reducing turnover? This session provides a closer look at employee motivation and engagement, and how managers play an important role in retaining valuable employees to optimize our business performance. Participants will walk away with ownership of being a talent magnet, tools to retain key staff, and an action plan to implement. Back to CONTENT / Back to CURRICULUM This document remains the property and copyright of PB CHINA and is controlled by HR Dept.