Parkview Healthcare Facility's Parkview Outlook January 2019 | Page 2

2 Parkview Activity Highlights Upcoming Special Dates Jan. 1 - New Years Day Jan. 7 - Trivia Jan. 21 - MLK Day Jan. 24 - Bocce Ball If you or someone you know would like to volunteer to spend time with our residents, we have opportunities for you to share your talents and love with oth- ers. Please contact Sara Nuxoll at 417- 326-3000 if you or someone you know would like to share in this opportunity. Religious and Spiritual Opportunities Sunday School: Sundays at 9 a.m. Bible Study/Prayer Meeting: Wednesdays 9:30 a.m. WMU Meeting: 2nd Thursday of month at 10 a.m. Worship Services: Sundays at 2:45 p.m. 2019 Spiritual Opportunity information coming soon. Want to receive the Parkview Outlook newsletter electronically? Email: [email protected] to begin receiving the newsletter by email! Activities Department: “Our goal is to exceed our customer’s expectation of providing meaningful activities. Please let us know if you have ideas or suggestions to improve our programming.” Use the clues to determine words that rhyme with year. 1. Used for listening ________________ 10. First word in a letter____________ 2. Doe or buck ___________________ 11. Be happy, be of good _________________ 3. Phobia __________________ 12. Take clippers to a sheep _______________ 4. Opposite of far _________________ 13. Long stick with a sharp point ___________ 5. Bringing up the _________________ 14. Animal pulling Santa’s sleigh ___________ 6. Where you are now ______________ 15. Worker at store checkout ______________ 7. Drink at the ballpark _______________ 16. Seafaring robber ____________________ 8. Shakespeare’s tragic king ___________ 9. Look closely _______________ Answers: 1. ear 2. deer 3. fear 4. near 5. rear 6 . here 7. beer 8. Lear 9. peer 10. Dear 11. cheer 12. shear 13. spear 14. reindeer 15. cashier 16. buccaneer