Parks and Recreation System Master Plan Update (2016) parks_and_recreation_system_master_plan_update_oct | Page 99

• the number of public facilities provided in Louisville in 1995, including facilities managed by the LMPRD and (if available) by other providers such as Jefferson County Public Schools(JCPS); • the current distribution of facilities within Louisville; • the standard recommended to guide the future development of facilities in Louisville; • 1995 and projected deficiencies were derived by applying the recommended standard to 1995 and 2020 population figures and to the current number of facilities managed by the then L/JCPD; and • actions recommended to satisfy the identified deficiency. (It should be noted that the recommended actions are based on a number of factors including geographic distribution, maintenance issues, trends in level of use, and the role of private sector facilities as well as application of the numeric standards). Both 1995 and 2016 facility information was derived from various sources. Information on facilities managed by the LMPRD was derived from the LMPRD inventory as depicted in the Louisville/Jefferson County Information Consortium (LOJIC) system. 1995 information on facilities managed by the Jefferson County Public Schools (JCPS) Department was derived from the Kentucky Recreational Facilities Inventory (June 1993) compiled by the State of Kentucky, and 2016 data was requested from JCPS. 1995 information on facilities managed by other providers was derived from an inventory of parks and recreational facilities in Jefferson County compiled by the Jefferson County Division of Planning and Development Services. It should be noted that in general for both 1995 and 2016, the information on facilities managed by other providers is less complete. Both for this reason and, more important, because the LMPRD has little or no control over the continued provision of service by others, these facilities were given less significance in the needs analysis. Certain private recreation facilities such as tennis and swimming clubs and golf courses also make contributions to the overall recreational provision available to Louisville residents. Since the recreation facility standards are intended to address public facilities, and these private facilities are only available to a limited membership, the presence of such facilities was not accounted for in determining future public facility needs. However, in the more detailed analysis which would accompany any specific facility development proposal, the local presence or absence of such private facilities should be considered. In addition to the facility types for which numeric standards are recommended, the plan considered a number of recreational uses for which there are no generally accepted standards. The following uses are addressed in the “Other Facilities” section which follows the discussion of specific facility types: 78 IV. PARK AND RECREATIONAL FACILITY NEEDS ANALYSIS | October 2016 Update