Parks and Recreation System Master Plan Update (2016) parks_and_recreation_system_master_plan_update_oct | Page 98

2016 Status
• The LMPRD currently manages 112 playgrounds ( 63 of these are accessible for children with disabilities ). See Figure A . 2 in the Appendix for distribution .
• This figure does not include any playgrounds on Housing Authority of Louisville property , or Jefferson County Public Schools property .
• Several playgrounds are located at public parks not under the jurisdiction of the LMPRD including E . P . Tom Sawyer Park and Beckley Creek Park .
• Using the 1995 standard of 1 playground / 5,000 people and 2010 Louisville population of 741,096 , Louisville should have 148 playgrounds .
• See Figure A . 2 in Appendix A for distribution .
Current projections are for Louisville to have 838,053 people by 2030 ( based on 1995 standards a total of 168 playgrounds will be needed by 2020 ) and 904,790 by 2050 ( a total of 180 playgrounds will be needed ). A typical playground ’ s useful life is somewhere between 12 and 15 years – if it is maintained properly . In the case of heavily used playgrounds the useful life is closer to 10 years .) The creation of a LMPRD playground maintenance crew about four years ago has greatly reduced the number of Metro Calls for playgrounds . Splash play grounds have been added at some playgrounds and have been very popular .
Outdoor Basketball
For the purpose of analyzing the current provision of outdoor basketball courts , two half courts are assumed to equal one full court .
• The LMPRD maintained 102 outdoor basketball courts .
• Seven outdoor courts were located at public park and open space areas not under the jurisdiction of the LMPRD .
The Dirt Bowl Tournament at Shawnee Park
• Forty-three courts at Jefferson County Public Schools were either open to the public at any time ( 33 ½ ) or open to the public on a limited basis ( 9 ½ ).
• There were a number of other publicly accessible basketball courts in Louisville which were not inventoried for the 1995 study . In addition , the private sector provided a number of facilities .
1995 Distribution
• The majority of the outdoor basketball courts under LMPRD jurisdiction were located in the Urban Services Area ( former City of Louisville ) ( Service Area A ). Nearly all the