Parks and Recreation System Master Plan Update (2016) parks_and_recreation_system_master_plan_update_oct | Page 83

Table III.F.1 summarizes Louisville Metro Parks and Recreation Department capital budget from 1993-2017. Not all information for all years is available, but this table depicts the general trends in capital budgets for parks and recreation since 1994. Over the period 1978 to 1993, capital expenditures on improvements to the Louisville/Jefferson County Metro parks system totaled just over $30 million, an average of about $1.8 million per annum (see Table III.F.2). Over the period between 1979 and 1983, capital expenditures totaled $8,419,094 or an average of $1.68 million each year. For the same period a decade later, from 1989 to 1993, a total of $15,435,059, or an average of just over 3 million each year, was spent on parks and recreational improvements. While this appears at first to be a significant increase in the level of investment per annum, if the effect of inflation is taken into account, this apparent increase is seen to be much diminished. A value of $1.68 million in 1979 was equal to a value of $2.87 million in 1989, based on the Consumer Price Index¹⁷. Table III.F.2 L/JCPD CAPITAL FUNDING 1978 - 1993 1978 Federal Funds $938,405 Percent Federal 74.0 General Funds $331,130 Percent General 26.0 Total $1,269,535 1979 $2,167,013 70.0 $929,612 30.0 $3,096,625 1980 $1,409,348 77.2 $414,336 22.8 $1,823,684 1981 $1,423,325 78.0 $400,250 22.0 $1,823,575 1982 $322,500 79.5 $83,175 20.5 $405,675 1983 $763,373 68.6 $349,350 31.4 $1,112,723 1984 $1,037,250 78.7 $280,393 21.3 $1,317,643 1985 $192,195 14.2 $1,164,116 85.8 $1,356,311 1986 $544,940 20.8 $2,016,220 79.2 $2,561,160 1987 $230,500 8.6 $2,455,302 91.4 $2,685,802 1988 $686,750 34.8 $1,289,496 65.2 $1,976,246 1989 $736,300 19.1 $3,106,769 80.9 $3,843,069 Year 66 III. CONTEXT AND COMMUNITY INVENTORY | October 2016 Update