Parks and Recreation System Master Plan Update (2016) parks_and_recreation_system_master_plan_update_oct | Page 81

City of Louisville
General Fund
$ 1,941,250
Federal Community Development
$ 824,000
Other ( donations raised by the Louisville Olmsted Parks
$ 2,097,550
Conservancy )
$ 4,862,800
Jefferson County Capital Appropriations $ 200,000 Debt Service $ 400,000 ( for the first year ’ s financing on $ 4.7 million bond issue ) Subtotal $ 600,000
TOTAL $ 5,462,800
Source : City of Louisville Recommended Capital Projects Fiscal Year 1994-1995 ; Jefferson County Government – Fiscal Year 1995 , Capital Improvement Reserve Fund Department , Capital Appropriations & Debt Service Divisions ; Wallace Roberts & Todd .
1 . United States Department of Agriculture Soil Conservation Service , Soil Survey of Jefferson County , Kentucky , reissued February 1991 , pp . 129-130 2 . State of the Streams : 2014 Water Quality Synthesis Report , Metropolitan Sewer District ( MSD ) 3 . Kentucky Division of Water and the National Park Service Rivers , Trails , and Conservation Assistance Program ,
1992 4 . http :// www . msdlouky . org / insidemsd / wqwatershed . htm 5 . The Kentucky Environmental Quality Commission , State of Kentucky ’ s Environment : A Report of Progress and
Problems , 1992 , p . 243 6 . Ogden Environmental , Pond Creek Wetland Study , 1994 7 . Louisville Olmsted Parks Conservancy , Master Plan for the Louisville Olmsted Parks & Parkways , 12 October 1993
Draft , p . 37 8 . Miller / Wihry / Lee Inc ., Open Space Action Program – Jefferson County , Kentucky , Spring 1980 9 . The Kentucky Environmental Quality Commission , 1992 , p . 260 10 . Louisville and Jefferson County Planning Commission , Draft Agricultural Lands Inventory , 1994 , pp . 13-15 11 . Demographic Profile 2013 12 . Louisville and Jefferson County Division of Planning and Development Services , Environmental Constraints
Affecting Vacant Land in Jefferson County , 1994 13 . The American Institute for Leisure Resources , Metro Parks Management Study for the City of Louisville , Kentucky ,
14 . U . S . Department of Labor , Bureau of Labor Statistics , U . S . City Average Consumer Price Index , from Economic Impacts of Protecting Rivers , Trails and Greenway Corridors , A Resource Book , published by National Park Service , 1991 , p . A9
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