Parks and Recreation System Master Plan Update (2016) parks_and_recreation_system_master_plan_update_oct | Page 608

Guidance Parameters: MAX MIN PREFERRED Air Temperature (ºF) Relative Humidity (%) Days Since Rain 20 ft wind speed (mph) 75 55 7 20 35 28 2 5 50-60 30 2 10-15 OBSERVED Before Ignition OBSERVED After Burn Complete BURN WILL NOT BE ATTEMPTED IF ANY ACTUAL CONDITIONS ARE OUTSIDE THE GUIDANCE PARAMETERS LISTED ABOVE UNLESS BURN LEADER JUSTIFIES THE SAFETY OF ANY DEVIATION IN WRITING! 9. PREDICTED FIRE BEHAVIOR (From BehavePlus 3.0.2): This information is used as a guide to the potential range of behavior from a free-burning fire, and for contingency planning. #1 Surface Rate of Spread (max) Heat per Unit Area Fireline Intensity Midflame Wind Speed Scorch Height 898 ft/hr 35 Btu/ft2 9 Btu/ft/s 4.7 mi/hr n/a Fuel Model #3 6,903 ft/hr 654 Btu/ft2 1,254 Btu/ft/s 5.7 mi/hr n/a #9 (surrounding) 106 ft/hr 326 Btu/ft2 10 Btu/ft/s 1.3 mi/hr 3 ft FIRE BEHAVIOR NARRATIVE: We expect a steady carry of the fire through the fuel for most of the burn unit. The burn units contain primarily tall grasses, but some portions of the burn unit (particularly in the northeastern corner) contain sparser fuel and so in this location the results may be spotty. The resulting fuel models are a FM 3 / FM 1 combination. Because the burn units are small and the fuels are flashy and continuous, we expect a hot, fast fire. A portion of unit 1 contains small areas of patchy trees within the burn unit. We expect the fire to move through these areas more slowly, but don’t expect torching of these trees or spotting behavior. 10. SMOKE MANAGEMENT PLAN Smoke screening procedures completed? Yes List downwind/downdrainage smoke sensitive areas (give distance): Expected wind direction will be from the west. There are generally no significant downwind/down drainage smoke sensitive areas within six miles of the burn unit. The areas sits within the 6,700 acre Jefferson Memorial Forest in an area characterized as rural with residential dwellings located along roads bisecting the forest. The expected wind direction will carry smoke 160