Parks and Recreation System Master Plan Update (2016) parks_and_recreation_system_master_plan_update_oct | Page 234

place that reduce the carbon foot print and leave a lasting legacy for the generations to come. Future generations will have the ability and the opportunity to partake of the same largesse we have so enjoyed for many years. It gives me great pleasure to see the professionalism and endearment of the employees on a daily basis in seeing this plan through. I have confidence that we will achieve a vast majority of the goals through the many initiatives we will adopt in the coming days and weeks. Our Strategic Plan is a living, breathing valuable document that will not sit on a shelf and rather be the torch that guides our daily work in keeping Louisville one of the best places to live in America. Louisville Metro Parks and Recreation plays a great role in the city receiving that recognition, and will continue to do so. Louisville is proud to have in its inventory eighteen Frederick Law Olmsted designed parks and six parkways that goes in line with a slogan once used for our city as the City of Parks. Seve Ghose, CPRE/MOL Director 5