Parks and Recreation System Master Plan Update (2016) parks_and_recreation_system_master_plan_update_oct | Page 174

greenway program since MSD was already moving forward with land acquisition and improvements for functions such as stormwater management. It was also recognized that in some instances cost sharing will be appropriate, for example where a MSD service access road can also serve as a recreational trail or bikeway. The success of the greenways program was expected to rest in large measure on the degree to which various local entities developed cooperative approaches for its implementation. The greenways program forms a central part of the parks and open space plan. Accordingly, $24 million of the total greenways cost was included as a top priority item in Table VII.A.1. The remaining $16 million cost was split evenly between second and third priority ratings. A2. Operations and Maintenance Table VII.A.3 presents an estimate of the annual costs (by the year 2020) to maintain the parks and open space system if all the recommendations of this Plan were implemented. (The costs in the table are given in 1995 dollars.) Table VII.A.3 Parks and Recreation Department Operations and Maintenance Budget Estimate For FY 2020 Item 1995 dollars Existing Parks Maintenance and 19,800,000 Operations Additional Regional Parkland 938,000 Additional Major Urban Parkland 732,000 Additional Community Parkland 793,000 Additional Neighborhood Parkland 685,000 Greenways 750,000 Central Services 620,000 Recreation Services 773,000 Administrative Services 142,000 TOTAL 2020 BUDGET 25,233,000 Source: Wallace Roberts & Todd The $25 million budget indicated in Table VII.A.3 included cost allowances for enhancing the existing level of operations and maintenance, and for the overall expansion of the parks, recreation, and open space system. A discussion of each line item is presented below. Existing Parks Maintenance and Operations In Fiscal Year 1993/94 the per capita expenditure on parks maintenance and operations in Louisville was $21.29. This was 35 percent less than the average per capita expenditure of $28.69 in all the oth