Parks and Recreation System Master Plan Update (2016) parks_and_recreation_system_master_plan_update_oct | Page 172

neighborhood parkland was estimated at $ 1,370,000 ( in 1995 dollars ). Since the Master Plan recommended that neighborhood parks should be developed under joint use agreements wherever possible , an assumed cost share of 50 percent for the LMPRD was applied to this figure , resulting in a net increase in the LMPRD operating budget of $ 685,000 ( in 1995 dollars ).
Louisville did not have an existing greenway network on which to base a maintenance cost estimate at the time of the 1995 Plan . Furthermore , since the extent of the greenways system was not precisely determined at that time , and no decision had been made on which agencies would be privately responsible for their upkeep , or precise determination of price was difficult to make . However , a provisional allowance in the LMPRD annual operating budget was estimated at $ 750,000 ( in 1995 dollars ).
Central Services
The FY 94 / 95 budget for Central Services ( skill trades and equipment maintenance services used throughout the park system ) was $ 1,149,720 . Increasing this figure by the 35 percent general upgrade figure recommended above ( see Existing Parks Maintenance and Operations ) would have resulted in an expenditure of $ 1,550,000 for the existing system . Allowing for the recommended increase of park acreage over the next 25 years , it was estimated that a 40 percent increase in Central Services costs was anticipated . By applying this 40 percent to the recommended $ 1,550,000 expenditure for the existing system , an estimated increase of $ 620,000 ( in 1995 dollars ) was calculated to allow for the future parks and open space system expansion .
Recreation Services
The FY 94 / 94 budget for Recreation Services ( recreation programming ) was $ 3,815,750 . Increasing this figure by the 35 percent general upgrade figure recommended above ( see Existing Parks Maintenance and Operations ) would have resulted in an annual expenditure of $ 5,150,000 . This would allow for increased staff presence at recreation centers , expanded hours of service , and diversification and enhancement of services and programs . Allowing for the projected population increase in Louisville , and the recommended increase of park acreage over the next 25 years , it was estimated that an additional 15 percent increase in Recreation Services costs should have been anticipated . By applying this 15 percent to the recommended $ 5,150,000 annual expenditure , an estimated increase of $ 773,000 ( in 1995 dollars ) was calculated to allow for the future parks and open space system expansion .
Administrative Services
The FY 94 / 95 budget for Administrative Services ( system and personnel management , budgets and accounts , real estate services ) was $ 703,060 . Increasing this figure by the 35 percent general upgrade figure recommended above ( see Existing Parks Maintenance and Operations ) would have resulted in an annual expenditure of $ 950,000 for the existing system . Allowing for the projected rise in Louisville ’ s population and the recommended increase of park acreage over the next 25 years , it was estimated that an additional 15 percent increase in
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