Parks and Recreation System Master Plan Update (2016) parks_and_recreation_system_master_plan_update_oct | Page 160

VI. RECREATION AND LEISURE TRENDS ANALYSIS Recreational Trends Analysis In February of 2016 Louisville Metro Parks and Recreation Department (LMPRD) conducted an informal survey of Louisville residents about parks, community centers, historic sites, golf courses and other recreation activities. The survey was advertised on the Metro Parks website, social media, Insider Louisville, Broken Sidewalk, (a blog related to local urban design issues), the Courier-Journal newspaper and other news organizations. The survey was available for two weeks and 941 people participated from 65 zip codes. The full survey is in Appendix E. It should be noted that this was not a scientific survey, and there was not a random selection of respondents. Many of those who responded are likely people who use the LMPRD website and/or who already have an interest in parks, community centers and/or historic sites managed by LMPRD, and may not fully reflect the general population. That said, the survey responses do give an indication of overall interest in park and recreation activities, and shed light on how that pool of people who responded uses the parks, community centers, historic sites and golf courses. The survey suggests some ways to prioritize resources and focus investment to help meet the needs of those who use parks and recreation facilities. Several questions from the survey suggest possible trends that are worth further consideration for future park and recreation planning and decision-making in Louisville. Question 1. “In the past 12 months how often have you visited a Metro Park?” (934 responded to this question; 7 skipped this question). • • • • • • 2-5 days per week - 25.7% (240) once a week - 20.99% (196) twice a month - 18.63% (174) a few times per year - 17.77% (166) once a month - 8.24% (77) never - 1.71% (16) Parks and Recreation System Master Plan | VI. RECREATION AND LEISURE TRENDS ANALYSIS 139