Parks and Recreation System Master Plan Update (2016) parks_and_recreation_system_master_plan_update_oct | Page 150

Policy 5.3.3 The LMPRD will monitor, and control as necessary, recreational activities such as mountain biking, horseback riding, and disc golf which may cause damage to natural resources. Objective 5.4 Integrate measures to promote safety and security in park design and management operations. Policy 5.4.1 The LMPRD will address safety and security issues and involve Metro Police Department in the park design process. Policy 5.4.2 The LMPRD will identify and address safety and security issues as part of the ongoing evaluation of parks and open space areas. Policy 5.4.3 The LMPRD will evaluate the need for and viability of a park ranger patrol program. Policy 5.4.4 The LMPRD will operate a rapid response approach to address all reported instances of vandalism within the parks and open space systems. C. Plan Components The 1995 Master Plan recommended a program for acquisition and improvement of open spaces, parks, and recreational facilities to be added to the existing parks system by the year 2020. The 1995 recommendations for parkland acquisition are identified on the “2020 Parks and Open Space Concept Plan” map (see Figure V.C.1), which shows the acreages of various types of parkland which were proposed to be added to the seven park planning service areas described in Chapter III. See section C3 below entitled “Parkland” for a discussion of proposed parkland acquisition. Section C4 below discusses the recreational facilities which were proposed to be added to the park system. The Concept Plan also indicates the general alignment of the proposed County Loop Trail (now known as the Louisville Loop), which is discussed below under Section C2. Sections C1 and C2 describe the open space and greenways structures which were intended to form the structural backbone of the future parks and open space system. An indication of the general geographic pattern of this open space structure is shown on Figure V.C.2. Parks and Recreation System Master Plan | V. THE PLAN 129