Parks and Recreation System Master Plan Update (2016) parks_and_recreation_system_master_plan_update_oct | Page 149

Policy 5.2.6 The LMPRD will coordinate with MSD regarding joint maintenance of greenways. Policy 5.2.7 The LMPRD will monitor, and mitigate if necessary, impacts of parks such as noise, light, and traffic on adjacent areas. Policy 5.2.8 Policy 5.2.9 Policy 5.2.10 The LMPRD will examine the viability of expanding its in-house nurseries and landscape installation capabilities. Potential benefits to be evaluated include enhancing quality and efficiency, developing a nursery stock and planting practices appropriate to Louisville’s distinctive ecology, and promoting a sustainable management philosophy. Policy 5.2.11 The LMPRD will work with the Mayor’s Office and Jefferson County Attorney’s Office to develop ordinance(s) to protect and regulate parkland and open space areas in terms of use by other agencies and utilities, and with the respect to procedures for sale of parks and/or open space areas. Policy 5.2.12 The LMPRD will adopt park management procedures concerning vehicular circulation and parking controls, closing hours, and protection of cultural and natural resources. Objective 5.3 Design and manage parks to sustain environmental processes, to conserve energy, and to reduce waste. Policy 5.3.1 The LMPRD will prepare and adopt guidelines for sustainable design and management which address issues such as stormwater management, wastewater treatment, water consumption, native landscape preservation and restoration, energy consumption, use of natural, renewable, and recycled materials, pollution reduction, and waste disposal. Policy 5.3.2 The LMPRD will continue to implement a tree planting and tree reforestation program throughout the parks and open space system with an emphasis on the use of native species. 128 V. THE PLAN | October 2016 Update