Parks and Recreation System Master Plan Update (2016) parks_and_recreation_system_master_plan_update_oct | Page 140

• Private recreation areas O PEN S PACE FOR NATURAL RESOURCE PROTECTION : • • • Buffer areas for the protection of ground and surface water quality Areas for the protection of habitat, native vegetation, and/or threatened and endangered species (natural preserves) Wetlands O PEN SPACE FOR AESTHETIC , CULTURAL AND EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES : • • • • • • Visual resources such as scenic viewsheds from public roads Development buffers and greenbelts (e.g., providing separation between neighborhoods and more intense development) Urban plazas, arcades, and promenades Cultural (historic, archaeological public art) resources Arboreta, museums, and zoological or botanical gardens Farmland, managed woodlands, and community gardens O PEN SPACE FOR PUBLIC HEALTH AND SAFETY : • • • Floodplains Steep slopes Stormwater quantity/quality management areas. The above definition brings into focus the diversity of the parks and open space system envisioned as integral to Louisville’s future. The various categories of open space can inform the design of a comprehensive system which provides a variety of recreational opportunities, enhances environmental quality and community identity, and protects public health and safety. These five categories (plus a sixth which addresses design and management) have been used to articulate a policy framework to guide long-term development of Louisville’s parks and open space system. The goals are followed by objectives and policies articulating actions that need to be accomplished and specific implementation measures to achieve the “grand vision.” B2. Goals, Objectives, and Policies Goal 1: Recreation A system of well-maintained parks and recreational facilities which meets the needs of the residents of Louisville. Objective 1.1 Provide a network of parks of varying sizes and functions equitably distributed throughout Louisville. Parks and Recreation System Master Plan | V. THE PLAN 119