Parks and Recreation System Master Plan Update (2016) parks_and_recreation_system_master_plan_update_oct | Page 117

1995 Recommended Actions 1. The LMPRD should phase in development of six new community recreation centers over the next 25 years. Additionally, improvements and additions to existing centers should be considered in order to optimize their utility. It is important that adequate long-term provision for the maintenance of new reaction centers is budgeted at the time of their construction. 2. As a mid-term action, the LMPRD should consider construction of an indoor recreational facility as part of a major new multi—sports center and community center. (See Section B.3 for further discussion.) 3. The LMPRD should coordinate with other entities including JCPS to develop joint use agreements for gymnasium use (including indoor basketball) and recreational programming. 2016 Status • LMPRD maintains 13 community centers. All have gymnasia except Beechmont. All offer recreation programs. • Two additional centers offer programs primarily for seniors – Wilderness Road and Flaget. • In addition to the community centers, the Metro Arts Center houses arts and crafts programs. A new center called Shawnee Basketball at Cyril Allgeier Community Center Cultural Arts Center has been added to the inventory. • LMPRD took over management of the Berrytown Community Center in early 2016 and it will become the home of the Adaptive Inclusive Recreation Program. The YMCA formerly operated this center. • A number of private or quasi-public recreation centers were operated by organizations such as the YMCA, Jewish Community Center, Boys and Girls Clubs, and other private groups. • See Figure A.10 in Appendix A for distribution. Other Facilities There are many recreational facilities for which standards are not generally applied, generally because the nature of the activity does not lend itself readily to formulation of fixed standards or is more specialized and is accommodated only where warranted by local demand. Based on public input during the needs analysis, demands for a number of additional facilities 96 IV. PARK AND RECREATIONAL FACILITY NEEDS ANALYSIS | October 2016 Update