Parks and Recreation System Master Plan Update (2016) parks_and_recreation_system_master_plan_update_oct | Page 116

Community Centers 1995 Provision • The LMPRD maintained 18 community centers. Fourteen of these centers had gymnasia, two (Beechmont and Flaget) had no gymnasia but offered recreation programs, and four primarily offered programs for senior citizens. In addition to the community centers, the Metro Arts Center was a specialized facility used for arts and crafts programs. • One additional public center was operated by the City of St. Matthews. • A number of private or quasi-public recreation centers were operated by organizations such as the YMCA, youth groups, and churches. 1995 Distribution • The majority of the LMPRD community centers (11) were located in Service Area A. These centers were well dispersed throughout the western portion of the service area. However, only one center was located within the eastern portion of the service area. • Service Areas F and G had the next highest number of LMPRD community centers (two and three, respectively). • Eastern and central Louisville Metro Arts Center had very few community centers. Service Areas C (east central Louisville) and E (south central Louisville) had only one center each, while Service Areas B (northeast Louisville) and D (Floyds Fork) contained none. 1995 Recommended Standard • One community center per 20,000 population. Estimated 1995 Deficiency • Seventeen additional centers under LMPRD jurisdiction would be required to provide a total of 35 community centers in accordance with the recommended standard. This deficiency does not take into account facilities managed by other providers (e.g., the YMCA and youth groups.) Projected 2020 Deficiency • Nineteen additional centers under LMPRD jurisdiction (the 1995 deficiency of 17 plus two more) would be required to provide a total of 37 recreation centers in accordance with the recommended standard. This deficiency does not take into account facilities managed by other providers. Parks and Recreation System Master Plan | IV. PARK AND RECREATIONAL FACILITY NEEDS ANALYSIS 95