Parks and Recreation System Master Plan Update (2016) parks_and_recreation_system_master_plan_update_oct | Page 105

1995 Recommended Actions • Short-term: Given the identified current surplus of public tennis courts and uneven levels of maintenance and use, the L/JCPD should take the following actions in the short term: • Institute a more regular maintenance program for existing courts before undertaking development of new courts. Any new courts should be targeted to underserved areas. • Promote the Tennis Center which was underutilized in 1995. • Monitor use patterns to determine whether specific areas of the county are underserved and/or whether adoption of a higher standard (i.e., one court per 2,000 population as advocated by the NRPA) is warranted by community demand. • Mid- and long term: As Louisville’s population grows, the demand for public tennis courts will likely increase in areas that are currently underserved. New courts should be provided only in areas which are a relatively long distance from existing courts. For example, new courts will probably be constructed in future parks serving areas of new development in outlying areas of Louisville. As new courts are constructed, an adequate budget allowance for their maintenance should be identified and secured. 2016 Status • The LMPRD maintains 160 tennis courts. • The Tennis Center in Creason Park is now open and conducts clinics, camps, leagues and lessons from May through the end of October. The Tennis Center has 11 clay courts, a clubhouse, locker rooms with showers, outdoor seating for 400+. • Pickleball is a growing sport that uses courts similar to tennis courts and there is interest in permanently converting some existing tennis courts for that sport. • See Figure A.4 in Appendix A for distribution. Softball/Baseball 1995 Provision • The LMPRD managed 92 ball fields. • One hundred and nineteen ball fields at Jefferson County Public Schools were open to the public at any time (82) or open to the public on a limited basis (37). This number included 99 softball fields and 20 baseball fields. • A number of quasi-public and private ball fields were 84 Reds Rookies Success League at Wyandotte Park IV. PARK AND RECREATIONAL FACILITY NEEDS ANALYSIS | October 2016 Update