Parks and Recreation System Master Plan Update (2016) parks_and_recreation_system_master_plan_update_oct | Page 106

maintained by organizations such as churches and youth groups (e.g., Beechmont and Germantown). 1995 Distribution • Service Areas A and C had the greatest number of ball fields under LMPRD jurisdiction (30 and 32, respectively). The ball fields were well dispersed within these two service areas with the exception of the southern portion of Service Area C, which lacked LMPRD ball fields south of Six Mile Lane/Taylorsville Road. • Fewer ball fields were located in southwest Louisville (Service Areas E, F, and G have twelve, seven and eight fields, respectively). Large portions of this area lacked ball field facilities. • Service Area D (Floyds Fork) had only three LMPRD ball fields. Service Area B (northeast Louisville) had no ball fields under LMPRD jurisdiction. 1995 Recommended Standard • One youth ball field per 5,000 population. One adult ball field per 30,000 population. Estimated 1995 Deficiency • Forty-four additional ball fields under LMPRD jurisdiction would be required to provide a total of 136 ball fields in accordance with the recommended standard. This deficiency does not take into account facilities managed by other providers (e.g., Jef