Parkinson's Clinical Trial Companion Accelerating Clinical Trials | Page 44

Glossary As you read the manual “Accelerating Clinical Trials: Best Practices for Recruitment and Retention,” please refer to this list for definitions of terms that may be unfamiliar. DaTscans™ Hoehn and Yahr Scale DaTscan is a specialized imaging technique that uses small amounts of a radioactive drug to evaluate the dopamine-producing cells in the brain. By itself, it cannot diagnose Parkinson’s, but it can help confirm a doctor’s diagnosis. DaTscan is being studied as a possible biomarker of Parkinson’s. The Hoehn and Yahr (H&Y) scale divides PD into stages based on the severity of motor symptoms. Clinical trials often include H&Y stages as part of their eligibility criteria so that they can ensure that the intervention evaluated will include people with the right symptoms. Electronic Patient Reported Outcomes (ePROs) An independent committee of scientists, doctors and others (usually at least one “non-scientific” person who represents the patient voice) that evaluates and approves each study’s protocol and informed consent document, and monitors ongoing study activities. The Institutional Review Board (IRB) is in place to protect the rights and welfare of people participating in a study. Data that is provided directly by participants using electronic means such as smartwatches, sensors and monitors. These data complement traditional measures used during in-person clinical trial and study visits to give researchers a more complete picture of disease. Institutional Review Board (IRB) Organic Marketing A term in marketing that refers to the act of generating attention for and driving customers to a product or service without the use of any paid advertisements. 42 Accelerating Clinical Trials: Best Practices for Recruitment and Retention