Parking Enforcer
Q. How does Parking Enforcer charge for their services?
A. Parking Enforcer charges a $299 monthly subscription fee, the standard subscription price
comes with licenses to cover the first one hundred properties, with the ability to add licenses at a
cost of $99 for each additional hundred.
This works out to only $2.99 a month per property for the first one hundred, just $1.99 a month for
two hundred properties.
It’s easy to see that Parking Enforcer more than pays for itself.
Q. What if your competitors were Parking Enforcer Providers?
A. Only you can answer that….
The Top Ten Reasons Why You Should Become A Parking Enforcer Provider
10. Parking Enforcer adds value to your business, your intellectual capital, a system that
documentsa repeat business customer base tied to your company; so when it’s time to sell your
business, you have documented value beyond just the physical assets.
9. The Multi-Family Vehicle Assistance Card
8. Separate from the competition.
7. Manage your PPI business more efficiently.
6. Retain current business by locking them in.
5. Secure new business.
4. Maximize your resources.
3. Charge your own rates.
2. Reduce dependency on Auto Clubs and Insurance Companies.
And THE NUMBER ONE REASON why you should become a Parking Enforcer provider...
1. Because we both know what would happen if your competition were Parking Enforcer Providers.