Parking Enforcer
Market Introduction
As it stands today, the biggest opportunity a Tow Company has is in the Private Property Towing
and Impound market.
When we say Private Properties, we are referring to privately owned commercial properties:
everything from Strip Malls to Apartment Complexes, from Home Owners Associations to Airports and
Just think about all the Private Properties out there that have a parking facility of some kind. When you
do the math, the number of properties and the opportunity they represent is staggering.
Within the Private Property Market, the largest revenue opportunity is within the Multi-Family Housing
segment: Apartments, Town Houses, etc. Parking Enforcer’s primary focus is in this area; however, our
software and system will handle all of the Private Property segments.
When analyzing the Multi-Family market segment, there is some interesting data. For instance, over
twenty percent of us here in the United States live in Multi-Family Communities. That’s one out of every
five Americans living in communities where public law enforcement doesn’t have jurisdiction to patrol
and enforce violations on the streets and in the parking lots.
When looking for an opportunity in any market segment, the data should be analyzed and the question
asked: “What is the Revenue Potential?”
Parking Enforcer has done research and beta testing within the Multi-Family market segment, gathering
data to estimate the potential. The revenue potential is calculated based on an impound fee of $150.
This does not include mileage or storage charges.
The data tells us that, if properly monitored and enforced, a group of fifteen or more multi-family
properties having at least two hundred and fifty units will generate an average of over eight hundred
dollars in revenue per complex per month.
Just fifteen properties will generate $12,000 in monthly revenue. That’s $144,000 annually.
When we say “Properly Monitored and Enforced” we are taking into account the utilization several
unique features that our cloud-based software employs to insure a maximum enforcement ratio for
Vehicles Ticketed vs. Vehicles Removed/Disabled.
However, it is one thing to know where the opportunity is and what its revenue potential is. To secure and
retain the business is something else altogether.
We should stress that for a business to thrive, not merely survive, it has to secure and grow a clearly