Parker County Today PCT FEB 2019 | Page 76

ES: I would love to own a Chick-fil-A so I could help more families in need by providing food and be able to participate in more events.  PCT: What is your definition of the best day ever?  ES: Watching someone in your life have happiness due to something in their lives.  PCT: What is the best advice you would give?  ES: Be willing to do something small to change someone else’s life for the better. PCT: What is the coolest thing you have ever done?  ES: I spent six weeks in Belize explor- ing and learning the area. Kenzi Montgomery Kenzi is the Senior Animal Care Specialist at the WPCAS sheltering I worked at vet clinics. That was a very rewarding and satis- fying career as well, but how I came to realize where I knew I needed to be was from a personal experience that left a bad impression of animal shelters on me. Someone finally mentioned to me that the best way for me to handle that would be for me to get involved with a shelter and help make the changes I felt neces- sary. I got the job and was blessed to get to work with a couple of really fantastic people. A couple of years later there was an opening here in Weatherford and I jumped on the opportunity. Weatherford Parker County Animal Shelter is one of the most innovative shelters in our state and I am proud to be a part of it. PCT: What is your favorite novel? KM: I won’t lie, I haven’t sat down and read a novel in a very long time but the last one I really remember enjoying was called Calico Captive. It is full of adventure, love, hardship and overcoming what life throws your way. At least that’s what I took from it. And, it’s based on an actual narrative diary published in 1807. PCT: What do you do to decompress? KM: Listening to music has always helped me decompress, there’s noth- ing better than a good play list. Of course spending a peaceful couple of hours outside listening to Mother Nature helps too. And I would always recommend having your fur babies by your side while doing this. 74 Parker County Today: How did you get into your occupation? KM: Animal sheltering isn’t some- thing I had ever really thought of when I was a child and trying to decide where my career should go. I’ve always known I love animals and before becoming involved with PCT: What is something people don’t know about you? KM: I would have to go with the fact that I have recently begun to look into how we could go about getting a pet friendly domestic violence shelter locally. I was sent a link that announced the opening of PALS Place, a seven-story shelter designed and outfitted for survivor-pet co-living. This supports a cause very near to my heart and I would like nothing more than to be able to bring this type of support to those in need. PCT: What would you most like to be remembered for? KM: I would like to be remembered for the care and compassion I have for people and animals. I would hope to be remembered as a great mom, daughter, sister and friend. PCT: What is your favorite way to pay it forward? KM: Paying it forward to me can be accomplished in everyday tasks just by reminding yourself that you never know what people have been through today. Another way I like to give back is by planning and organiz- ing small things in the community such as free microchip clinics or educational booths to bring aware- ness and tips for responsible pet ownership in our community. PCT: Who would you most like to have lunch with, living or deceased? KM: Benjamin Franklin! Not only was he a great inventor, but it was said that he had quite the sense of humor. I’m sure that dinner would prove to be an interesting one. PCT: If you weren’t doing the job you are doing now, you would be.... KM: I’m not real sure what I would be doing, but a travel journalist or a food critic sounds great to me. I love food and I love to travel. PCT: What is your definition of your best day ever? KM: My best day ever would be a day spent with my boyfriend and all of our children (there’s 7 in all!) And this day would preferably be at a large body of water (like the ocean, lake or even a river) or in the moun- tains and we would be surrounded by our family and friends. PCT: What is the best piece of advice you would give? KM: Live life to the fullest and never regret a day in your life. Good days give happiness, bad days give experi- ence, worst days give lessons and best days give memories! PCT: What is the coolest thing you have ever done? KM: I think all of my excursions have been pretty cool but I would say the coolest by far is motherhood. My children are my world and I wouldn’t trade one moment of it!