Parker County Today March 2018 | Page 45

Stephen D. Newman, M.D., FACC, FAHA, FASNC Dr. Stephen Newman The Centre for Heart & Vascular Health The Centre for Heart & Vascular Health @ Heart Center of North Texas PREVENTIVE & INTEGRATIVE CARDIOVASCULAR MEDICINE PREVENTATIVE & INTEGRATIVE CARDIOVASCULAR MEDICINE To Cure or Prevent? Heart and vascular disease is still the most common cause of death in Americans — that’s both men and women. Doesn’t it make more sense to do everything in your power to avoid heart disease? Yet, our current healthcare system focuses on treating advanced dis- ease. Commonly, we don’t become aggressive until symptoms of disease immerge. This strategy has never made real sense to me. That’s why I established The Centre for Heart & Vascular Health. “Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life.” Attributed to wise King Solomon, these words were in the Bible book of Proverbs centuries ago. The Centre for Heart & Vascular Health is for anyone looking for something beyond survival mode, for those interested in heading off heart disease before a heart attack strikes. At the Centre, it’s our desire to help people learn to thrive and live quality lives. We’re working with patients to help them avoid cardio and vascular disease. Call our office to find out about taking part of our clinic offerings. 1017 12th Avenue • Fort Worth, TX 76104 • 817-334-2800 | 920 Hilltop Drive • Weatherford, TX 76086 • 817-613-9082 941 Hilltop ~ Weatherford, TX 76086 ~ 817-613-9082 ~ 1017 12th Ave., ~ Fort Worth, TX 76104 ~ 817-334-2800