Parker County Today February 2020 | Page 84

Lori Bennett — Owner Hartness Print Central  Lori’s grandfather started the business in 1948, then her parents owned and ran it, and now with her husband, Dwayne, they are the third generation. “Printing and graphic arts are in my blood and I don’t know that I would want to do anything else,” she explained. “Preserving the family legacy and being creative on a daily basis are the main reasons why I do what I do.” Most people don’t know that Lori was the salutatorian of her graduating class at Weatherford High School. Lori loves to give back to the community through service. “I love the many organizations I’ve been a part of in the past and the present.” She also loves to give discounts or free work to people when it’s not expected. “I also enjoy paying for someone’s food or items without them knowing.” Her best piece of advice? “You can’t please everybody, so just do your best where you are, with what you have.”  Scott Dollar — Co-owner of Brand Bandits Marketing  82 Scott and his wife, Chelsea, help provide businesses with a web and social media presence. “I love it because we can really watch the growth and evolu- tion of local businesses and we get to share their story over different media platforms,” he explained. Most people don’t know that Scott is extremely passionate about the world and different cultures. “Traveling is a dream of mine after spending time in Puerto Rico and France. I can’t wait to see more of the world with my family.” The most interesting thing about Scott is that he spent more than a decade in the restaurant industry. Scott would like to be remembered as a great husband and father. “It would also be great to be remembered as a light to every- one’s day and a rock to lean on, but the first two are the most important.”