Parker County Today February 2020 | Page 130

our opinions: CURMUDGEON MUSINGS The Last BY MARK BROWN Word Let’s Talk About An American Institution S 128 ometimes I run across things that just bear talking about. This is the case with a trip my wife and I just took. Entertainment is fascinating to me, people seem to do anything, suffer anything, spend anything, if they think they will be entertained. So let me describe something and see if you all can guess what it is. Crowded to the extent you really can’t move. So expensive to go there, most people mortgage their lives to do it, in fact you could probably take a family of four to Europe cheaper. Most likely parts of it will be closed when you get there (rarely do they close Europe unless there is a terror- ist attack.) And ultimately what you find when you get there is it’s really just a giant gift shop. So if you haven’t guessed yet, I’m talking about Disney World. The land of Mickey Mouse. The land of little hats with big ears on top, that most of you read- ing this have a closet full of, and rarely ever put on. The land of buying stuff. There is literally a place to buy stuff everywhere you turn. They have become the best marketers in the world in my opinion. People are drawn to this place both young, medium, and old. And hey, thats great if that is your thing. Having just been there though I had to talk about it. First of all, Disney in the United States of America, is located in two places. First in Southern California, the land of traffic, and second in Florida, the land of the tolls. And if you’ve never driven through Florida, you’re in for a treat. There are tolls to pay about every five miles. I don’t know how they look at themselves in the mirror. So now don’t get me wrong, I grew up going to Disneyland, took my kids to both California and Florida and enjoyed it. I know that sounds like I’m erasing all that I just wrote, but here is the deal. Things have changed since we used to go. The money it takes to just buy tickets and stay in hotels and eat is incredible. And if you stay in a Disney property hotel, well just be prepared to get nauseated. Not to mention airfare if you have to fly the family, then there’s transpor- tation and then there’s gifts. Wow, hats t-shirts, if you go to EPCOT which by the way stands for, Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow, you must buy from each country. So ultimately Disney is a gift shop, with a few really good attractions, which unfortunately you must plan like the Normandy invasion to actually get on the ride. When we went recently, the newer attractions sold out completely — in like 10 minutes. People were up at daybreak to try to get a spot. Now you also deal with mobile apps, all kinds of technolog,y which like all technology, doesn’t alway work. We wanted to go down to breakfast with a couple of friends one morning early at the Disney hotel, and when we get there, we find out you had to have reserva- tions, which no one new about. Is was so crowded that day, the staff was discombobulated. So to wrap up … Walt Disney had a great vision, has given millions great joy, happiness and fun, and an atmosphere that can’t be matched. But having said that, it’s a different world now than when Walt Disney started, so maniacal, so over-marketed, run by new MBA’s coming out and working to cut all customer service in order to make their quarterly books look better. All on the backs of the consumers. Examples: • Home Depot — no cashiers anymore, mainly self checkout • American Airlines — charging you for everything, luggage, horrible sandwich lunches, and the worst is, taking all the room out of coach travel, so bad you can hardly breathe. • AT&T — worst customer service in the world, just an awful company. Just to name a few... But all I can say is, whatever your choose to do, remember it ain’t what it used to be.