Parker County Today February 2020 | Page 125

Top 100 continued from page 93 Shelly Burmeister Mowery — Horse Breeder, Director of The Parker County Committee on Aging and Cowgirl  Shelly has been an active promoter of professional rodeo as the first “Miss Coors Rodeo,” and she brought significant attention to equal pay for women’s barrel racing in the major rodeos. A former rodeo consultant, rodeo queen and actress, Shelly has been recognized by her fans and all the major TV networks as one of the top equine sports broadcasters for pro rodeos and national cutting horse events. What she loves most is spend- ing time at home, at the horse farm where she lives with husband Rick, a herd of horses, a gaggle of dogs and cats. She loves to entertain and cook for family and friends. Photo by Megan Parks “I love to cook, garden, ride my horses and work out at Tate’s,” Shelly said. Her favorite way to pay it forward is to “be kind. To try to recognize every- body. Be respectful to everyone.”  What’s the best piece of advice she’s ever received?  “Benny Benion once told me, ‘Don’t get in a pissin’ match with a skunk.’ I found that that is sound advice.” She would most like to be remembered as being a good friend and a good parent. “I hope I’m remembered for being someone who has the courage to fight for the underdog, even when the odds are against me.”  April Page — Head Band Director at Tison Middle School One of the main reasons April is in music education is to see her students grow as young musicians. “I love to see them work as a team and develop leadership skills in ways that are not possible in any other class,” she said. “I think one thing that surprises people about me is how much I love history. One of my favorite things to do in my spare time is learn about different historical people and events, discovering the impact they have made on the present time.” Her favorite way to pay it forward is to be actively involved in community work. “I try to donate items and time to organizations such as Toys for Tots, the Salvation Army. I also try to volunteer my time to help clean up parks in the community.” Her best piece of advice came from her mentor director, Bruce Kenner.  “He told me that if I wanted to be a successful band direc- tor, I would have to work hard, work smart, and not be afraid of making mistakes, because there is always some- thing you can learn from it.” 123