Parent Magazine Volusia/Flagler June 2019 | Page 8
Among those resources receiving additional funding
and attention, mental health support has risen to the
Why Is This Important?
forefront of the conversation. Prevention, response and The number of youth meeting the threshold for Baker
long-term care are the new buzz words for legislators, Act – either by law enforcement, the court system,
administrators and families. healthcare/physicians or acute referrals, remains
Addressing the Root Causes...
Regionally, Volusia and Flagler counties are intricately
consistent on average. The real question is what are
the factors driving mental health issues and inhibiting
linked. Resources allocated are often designated Being part of the working poor, a lack of access to
Volusia/Flagler, as is data collection and review, and the services, and being uninsured or underinsured are just
statistics on mental health and contributing factors are a few of the challenges faced by those living in Volusia
enough to give any parent pause. and Flagler counties when it comes to receiving mental
In Volusia County, the correlation between low income
healthcare services.
and poverty level households corresponds with the Seeking a well-rounded approach to ensuring area
number of individuals under the age of 18 on Medicaid youth have access to needed mental health and
and Baker Acted – placed on an involuntary 12 hour wellness resources, school districts, law enforcement
hold, as a result of potential self-harm or harm to and healthcare providers are teaming up for a
others, according to statistics provided by Halifax Health community-based approach.
– one of the regional providers for Volusia and Flagler
The Flagler school district identifies being underinsured
or without insurance, a lack of local services,
With no Baker Act intake facility, Flagler County relies transportation, stigma and messaging as hurdles to
on the services of Volusia or St. Johns counties when mental health wellness and Volusia County says anxiety,
admitting an individual for observation. depression and ADHD or attention-deficit/hyperactive
The University of South Florida’s 2016-17 Annual
Report on the Florida Mental Health Act, also known
as “The Baker Act” named for the bill’s sponsor, state
representative Maxine Baker, shows 561 individuals
disorder, are in their top five for issues among school
age residents.
Solutions for a Healthier Future:
Baker Acted in Flagler County, with 22.46% of them What are we as a community doing to ensure the
being under the age of 18, while in Volusia County health and wellness of our children?
during the same time period, 4,164 were Baker Acted In Volusia County, school district officials have
with 21.37% being minors.
implemented the BSFT – Brief
Solution Focused Therapy and
SEL – Social Emotional Learning
“The district is focusing on helping
all students acquire the skills
necessary to be able to manage
their emotions,” said Amy L. Hall,
Ph.D. coordinator of student and
government relations for the
Volusia County Schools.
8 | V O L U S I A A N D F L A G L E R H E A LT H A N D W E L L N E S S M A G A Z I N E