Parent Magazine Volusia/Flagler June 2019 | Page 7
Mental Health
and Wellness
By Danielle Anderson
ou notice there’s something going on with While counties across Florida stepped up their mental
your child. They’re a little moody or responding health programs this past school year with the
aggressively at the drop of a hat. Perhaps requirements mandated by the Marjory Stoneman
they’re withdrawn and just not their normal, outgoing Douglas High School Public Safety Act, there continue
self. You chalk it up to stress, the pressures of growing to be sporadic situations resulting in zero tolerance
up, or the impending summer vacation away from responses from school districts and law enforcement.
school and friends, but how do you know when it’s After all, there’s no room for error.
really time to be concerned and ask the professionals?
V O L U S I A A N D F L A G L E R H E A LT H A N D W E L L N E S S M A G A Z I N E | 7