Parent Magazine Volusia February 2020 | Page 9

Top 25 Frequently Called Phone Numbers DeLand: 386-734-7190 School Board Members Mission Volusia County Schools will ignite a passion for learning by providing a Daytona: 386-255-6475 challenging, creative curriculum in a Mrs. Ida New Smyrna Beach: 386-427-5223 safe, supportive environment where D. Wright Osteen: 386-860-3322 students reach their highest potential. General Information x 20000 Area Superintendent x 20237 or 20777 Vision Superintendent of Schools x 20210 Ensuring all students receive a superior Alternative Programs x 20645 21 st century education. Elementary School Services x 20571 ESE Prog/Student Services x 33253 Extended Day x 50717 Facilities x 50764 Financial and Bus. Services x 20322 FUTURES Foundation x 50723 Mrs. Linda Cuthbert Awards and Achievements Mr. Carl • Astrid Augat, Spruce Creek High teacher, and Dr. Grace Kellermeier, World Language Health & Physical Education Curriculum specialist, both received awards at the Florida Foreign Language Association state conference Gifted x 20463 Guidance x 20538 High School Services x 20674 Human Resources x 20090 Instructional Services x 20692 Middle School Services x 20674 Professional Standards x 20256 Records x 20433 School Way Café x 50727 Student Discipline x 20061 Title I x 33231 Transportation-Routing x 50550 Volunteers/Partners x 38380 World Languages x 33231 • Thirty-five elementary schools met the distinguished criteria required to become certified in the HealthierUS School challenge • Zoey Balcom, Heritage Middle student, won the 2018-2019 Art in the Capitol award. The Art in the Capitol Competition is a statewide visual arts competition for all students grades 6 through 8. The winner s' artwork will be displayed in the Capitol during a regular legislative session G. Persis Mr. Ruben Colon Mrs. Jamie M. Haynes • Timbercrest Elementary and Osceola Elementary were both recognized as Florida Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support Model Schools, gold status Zoning/Variances x 50726 or 50835 V O L U S I A parent M A G A Z I N E | 7