Parent Magazine Volusia February 2020 | Page 10

Doctor ASK THE Introducing our new monthly feature, Ask the Doctor. Our healthcare partners will be answering your questions. To submit a question, please email [email protected]. My Partner is feeling anxious. How can I help? talking, encourage your partner to write their anxious You’ve tried everything—listening to their concerns, not they share those written thoughts with you. attempting to understand their fears, seeking the advice of friends and family. But taking care of a spouse who is battling anxiety can be draining. Their worries can spill over into other aspects of your life and can in turn foster anxiety in you. That’s why it’s critical to learn how to manage your partner’s anxiety, and your own, so that you can both thrive, together. feelings down; that may help the thoughts leave their heads for a bit. Allow your partner to choose whether or Do mindful activities with your partner. Practice deep breathing, yoga, meditation, and stretching. Be patient with your partner and use these activities to show him or her that you want to focus on destressing, together. There is a book called The Anxiety and Phobia Workbook you can work on with your partner. It has Validate and acknowledge your partner’s feelings without patronizing them. multiple exercises for those who need more structure Saying something like “snap out of it” will upset your partner is going through. partner—as the feelings they are having are often things they can’t fully control. Encourage your partner to talk about their anxiety: what does it feel like, and how does it express itself? If he or she doesn’t feel like 8 | V O L U S I A parent M A G A Z I N E in managing their anxiety. You can do some of the exercises together to get a better sense of what your Remind yourself of all of your partner’s good qualities.