How time spent alone can foster creativity and
independence among children.
By Christa Melnyk Hines
ver felt the need for a peaceful retreat if for no other reason
than to collect your thoughts? Your kids might need to do
the same. Some experts fear that in a world muddied with
thousands of distractions, structured activities and constant
entertainment options, our children do not spend enough time
alone simply relaxing or engaging in quiet, unplugged play.
“The demise of children learning to amuse themselves has
negative consequences…when they become adults,” says Ann
Dunnewold, a psychologist and author of Even June Cleaver
Would Forget the Juice Box. “As a society, we’re lacking on this
kind of time.”
Children who are constantly entertained prove less likely to show
initiative and more likely to have problems motivating themselves
upon entering the work world. On the other hand, kids given
regular time alone are more likely to exhibit time management
and problem solving abilities. Time alone also fosters creativity,
self-confidence and independence. Plus, solitude gives kids
the opportunity to drive their own play without having to
compromise or go along with what the group demands.
Follow your child’s cues. No doubt, extracurricular
activities enhance a child’s physical and social
development. However, when those activities
dominate a child’s day, they don’t get ample
opportunity to unwind. A child’s reaction to
overstimulation varies depending on their
personality, but typical signs that your
kiddo might need some down time include
crankiness, irritability and not getting along
with others.
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