If you are waiting until May each year to say thanks to
your child’s teacher, consider stepping up sooner. Pay
attention to teacher-appreciation activities and try to
celebrate your teacher all year long. Catch a teacher or
administrator doing something right and express your
appreciation with a quick thank-you note. Here is a list of
inexpensive gifts that make a nice gesture any time
of year:
A pair of movie tickets
A small bouquet of flowers
Gift card to an art supply stores
Something for her sweet tooth
A potted perennial
Restaurant gift certificates
Bath salts or bubbles
12 | S T. J O H N S parent M A G A Z I N E
Gift card to a bookstore
Your best cookie recipe with the cookies
An iTunes card
Water bottle or travel mug
A pot of assorted herbs
Office supply gift card
Gourmet food basket
Coffee or tea shop gift card
Maybe you think ‘love’ is a word that should be reserved
for family and religion. But if your child does not love
learning by the time he or she graduates from elementa-
ry school, you may be in for a long uphill climb in middle
school, high school, and college. Keep your attitude
towards academics upbeat if you want to instill a lifelong
love of learning in your child.