Parent Magazine St. Johns October 2019 | Página 10

Love FOR THE OF LEARNING: FOUR WAYS TO TEACH YOUR CHILD TO ENJOY SCHOOL By Christina Katz R aising engaged students is not only the responsibility of the teachers and the administrators at your school, it’s a job that starts at home with every parent. You may have anxiety, fears, or merely first-day jitters about your child going to school. But if you can muster up your courage and take a one-good-day-at-a-time approach, you will find that raising a child who loves school is easier than you might have imagined. Just follow these four simple guidelines, keep your interactions with your school’s employees constructive and upbeat, and watch the magic that occurs when your child loves learning. 10 | S T. J O H N S parent M A G A Z I N E 1 1. SHARE TO PREPARE. Tell your child what you enjoyed about school. If your spouse or partner enjoyed school, encourage them to share stories, too. But if you had a difficult time in school, share those stories with someone who is not your child. Talk to another adult about the ways you struggled and how those struggles might color your expectations of what school will be like for your child. Get your fears and biases about school off your chest and let them go so you won’t unwittingly pass them on. Remember, your child is not you. That was then; this is now. By confronting and releasing any back-to-school skeletons in your closet, you open the doors to a positive school experience for your child today. Erika Patall et al, "Parent Involvement in Homework: A Research Synthesis," Review of Educational Research.