Call a family meeting. Take charge of the situation confused? When you are a spouse and a parent, your
as soon as you can by calling a family meeting. Tell first priorities are the people who live under your
everyone to bring their calendars and scheduling tools, roof. If you are taking care of others who are already
if they are old enough to manage their own. Make adults, then it’s time to remember your irreplaceable
some beverages, put out some cookies, and go through role to your family. Your family comes first and other
the upcoming week one day at a time. Now is also commitments come afterwards.
time to figure out carpooling, best shopping times,
and whether or not it is humanly possible to squeeze
everything in.
Let the extraneous go. Here’s the secret to a happy
life for you and your family: don’t do what you think
is expected of you. Do what you want to do. Although
Make scheduling a weekly event. Some families peer pressure may still be challenging for your kids,
have formal, complex family meeting but this is not it should be a no-brainer for you. You don’t need to
going to help most families because you won’t likely do what the Jones family does. You need to do what
stick with it. Instead, a quick drink and cookie break your family does. Period. The world needs the unique
on Sunday afternoons might just turn into something contributions of every member of your family. And no
everyone actually enjoys. At the end of the scheduling one is going to blossom if everyone is running around
session, ask, “Does anyone have anything else they like a bunch of followers. So lead by example and live
want to discuss?” Soon, you’ll be kicking each week the life you want to live. Steer your own course and
off strong using the power of good, old-fashioned teach your kids to steer theirs. If you do, your kids will
communication. follow your lead and be engaged and happy no matter
Create a master calendar. Every person in the family
who is old enough to write should have his or her
how busy they are — on any given day of any given
own calendar. Without a master plan you are going to
lose track of the big picture. Assign one parent as the
keeper of the master plan and keep it updated daily.
Books To Help Simplify Family Life
Put all your critical to-dos on it. Glance at it in the In your down time, if you have any, you can dream up
morning and before bed. Much stress will disappear ways to streamline family life by checking out these
once one person takes on the role of family dispatcher. books:
Expect everyone to be responsible. Just because Simplicity Parenting, Using The Extraordinary Power Of Less
you are the dispatcher, does not mean you should To Raise Calmer, Happier, And More Secure Kids by Kim
manage schedules for kids who are old enough to do it John Payne and Lisa M. Ross
themselves. Taking responsibilities off of your children’s
shoulders does not serve them or the family. Who is No Regrets Parenting, Turning Long Days And Short Years
the weakest link in this scheduling arrangement? Let Into Cherished Moments With Your Kids by Harley A
them know how important good communication is, not Rotbart, M.D.
just in the family, but also in life in general. Then help
them figure out a system that works well for them. Try
to make the most of their natural strengths if they are
predominantly visual, verbal, aural, physical or logical.
Keep priorities straight. If you are following these
suggestions and meeting your family commitments
Mindful Parenting, Simple And Powerful Solutions For Raising
Creative, Engaged, Happy Kids In Today’s Hectic World by
Kristen Race
Family Bucket Lists, Bring More Fun, Adventure &
Camaraderie Into Every Day By Lara Krupicka
still feels unmanageable, then some things are going Author, journalist, and writing coach Christina Katz is
to have to give. Don’t look to others to find out a mother, who has given up the unconscious tendency
where your feelings of overwhelm are originating to mother the whole world around the clock.
— look within. Have you let your priorities become
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