Don’t Let A Busy Schedule Wear Your Family Down
By Christina Katz
tress, short-tempers, and the seeming plugs for any of these reasons, it’s perfectly okay
inability of the household to function if you do.
smoothly are typical signals that you may
have slightly overdone it in the commitments
But if you are simply cycling through an extra-
hectic time of the year with many activities
happening all at once, you are certainly not
So, you overscheduled your family. This does alone. Whether you see the hectic times coming
not make you a bad person or a poor parent. in advance or only realize the chaos when it
Your family simply has a voracious appetite for is almost upon you, there are some specific
participation. What’s the harm in that? The only strategies you can take as a family that will help
reason to alter your set course is if someone in you slay the activity-overwhelm dragon before
your clan is physically, mentally or emotionally anyone gets burned. See if these tips are helpful:
unable to participate. If you have to pull some
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